The Dashboard - Administrator

The Dashboard - Administrator

The Dashboard for administrators is composed of 8 sections:

1) Activity Summary:

Here you can find:
  1. The number of projects you had.
  2. The NPS of the projects
  3. The revenue of these projects. You have the total revenue of the projects and the pie chart. The revenue pie chart can be divided by projects, clients, capabilities, or industries. 
  4. The total consulting score of the projects. The web chart shows the performances score on the five dimensions.
  5. Here you can select the period you want to see. You can choose to see the activity summary from the last 3, 6, or 12 months. You can also view the summary from the beginning of using the tool ("All"), and last, you can customize the period you want to see ("Custom")
  6. The dates are based on the period you selected. 

2) Promoter and Detractors:

Here, you can see the Key Promoters and the Key Detractors of your projects. Again, these are based on the period you selected on the top bar of the Dashboard:

3) Consulting Score vs. Promoter Score:

Here you can see the evolution of the consulting score vs. the promoter score. If you hover the mouse over the bars, you can see details about the project. Again, the chart shows the data based on the period you selected.

4) Company Summary:


Here you can see the summary of your company, which includes:

  1. The number of industries your firm serves.
  2. The number of capabilities your firm serves.
  3. The number of organization tags your company has.
  4. The number of brands your company has.
  5. The number of clients.
  6. The number of partners in your consulting firm.
  7. The number of conpulse users your consulting firm has.
  8. The number of users that are disabled.

5) Activity Summary:


Here you can see:

  1.  The number of users you created.
  2.  The number of projects you have.
  3.  The number of surveys you sent.
  4.  The percentage of surveys completed.
  5.  Your current consulting score.
The first four items are based on the period you selected.

6) Performance Summary:


This section includes the following features:

  1. The percentage of emails you sent and are bouncing back. They are not delivered. It means the emails are wrong, or your domain has a bad reputation.
  2. The proportion of capabilities declared and actually leveraged for the project.
  3. The proportion of industries declared and used.
  4. The number of ongoing projects. 
  5. The average number of days it takes the clients to answer the survey.

7) Active Users:

- The number of active users over the past three months.

8) Adoption Summary:

This section includes the following features:

  1. Active Users: The proportion of registered and active users.
  2. Average Projects/users: The average number of Projects per user.
  3. Active Managers: The proportion of registered and active managers

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