Performance Assessments
What happens after I send the survey?
After you send the survey, the client's contacts for the project will receive an email with a brief description of the survey process and a link to complete the survey: When the client clicks the link, it will be redirected to a page to enter the OTP ...
How do I send a survey?
Once the project is finished, you should send the survey to find how your company's performance on that particular project. To do that, go to "Projects" and click on the "Send Survey" button: A pop-up message will appear asking for your ...
Integration with Conavigo
Conpulse offers the possibility to showcase your projects and scores on Conavigo. This can be achieved by simply switching on the "Share in Conavigo" option in the project: Enabling this feature will display the information about the project (and its ...
Score Card
The Score Card offers an overview of the client's impression of a project's performance. The final score is calculated based on the answers to the surveys you sent. Here you have: The name and a brief description of the project. The project's start ...